Wise Capital
All Cap Canadian Equity
The All Cap Canadian equity strategy captures the Canadian value style using a disciplined investment process assisted by a time-tested quantitative model that prices the fundamental value of all securities. We also thoroughly examine financial statements to search for ignored value or potential problems. We speak to outside industry experts as well as the company management. Our objective is to find quality companies whose stocks are not widely followed and are under-valued by the market.
For the Offering Memorandum for Wise Capital All Cap Canadian Equity Fund, click here.
- Outperforming the Canadian market since inception
- Valeant and Nortel free since 2001
- Eligible for RRSPs, RIFs, and trusts. Available in pooled fund form and for separately managed accounts. Custodian is a major Canadian institution.

Wise Capital
Global Diversified Equity
Wise Capital buys undervalued stocks across the globe. This investment strategy dramatically adds global exposure, and diversifies any Canadian portfolio. We utilize fundamental and behavioural research. Sam Wiseman has successfully managed international equities since 1990, while at a major pension fund. It is held in custody by a large institution as a segregated account, with all holdings registered to the owners. Wise Capital treats all participants in the strategy equally.
- Designed to diversify Canadian equity holdings
- Substantial outperformance of MCSI World Index and the S&P 500 since July 2001 inception.
- Excellent diversification for your Canadian investments with broad exposure to global markets by investing in USA, Europe, Asia, the Emerging Markets, and major commodities.
- Eligible for RRSPs, RIFs, and trusts. Custodian is a major Canadian institution.

Wise Capital Worldwide
Small Cap Equity
The Wise Capital Global Small Cap product is open only to qualified, long term investors. We select quality, up and coming companies, primarily in Europe and the U.S., whose stocks are not widely followed and are under-valued by the market. This is a relatively aggressive equity strategy, with higher expected returns than other strategies over a long period of time. The small cap segment of the market is less efficient, so our state-of-the-art research generates a substantial advantage.
- Twenty years of global small cap experience.
- Our value-oriented, quantitative-assisted process leads to outperformance over the market cycle.
It is held in custody by a large institution as a segregated account, with all holdings registered to the owners. Wise Capital treats all participants in the strategy equally.